Tuesday, May 31, 2016

We have a new name and new address!

As promised (many times since 2006) and sorely needed (beginning in 2016), a new blog for our history of the accordion learning module and exploration of topics about accordions is a reality. Launching  Anything Accordion on June 1st is our way of celebrating National Accordion Awareness Month 2016 and committing to writing down our research is the way we plan to continue learning about the accordion as an instrument, an institution, and just plain fun!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Revamping for June 2016 Re-launch

This blog was originally a project for one of my liberal studies degree classes. The assignment was to find out as much as you can about a country by tracing the history of a musical instrument. A new launch of this blog -- keeping the lesson format -- is planned for June 2016, which historically has been celebrated as National Accordion Awareness Month in the U.S.